By Wil Longbottom

Police officer guarding Mr Obama's Mumbai hotel sparks security alert after accidentally shooting himself in the leg
President urges India to open its economy to U.S. companies as he bids to tackle near 10% unemployment
Taxi drivers, fishermen and shopkeepers complain after state visit causes lockdown in Mumbai
It's not often someone can say they have strutted their stuff on the dance floor with the leader of the free world.
But that's exactly what happened for pupils at Holy Name High School in Mumbai, India, after U.S. President Barack Obama joined in with their Diwali celebrations.
Following in the footsteps of the First Lady - who showed off her Bollywood moves at Mumbai University yesterday - Mr Obama joined in with his wife and some enthusiastic students live on television.

But he didn't appear to take to the moves as readily as his wife and White House aides doubled over in laughter at their boss's efforts.
Mr Obama was visiting the school on the second day of his state visit to India, aimed at improving trade ties between the two countries and bolstering stagnant economic growth in the U.S.
He called on India to bolster peace efforts with Pakistan over the disputed Kashmir region, which floundered after the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks.
'My hope is that over time, trust develops between the two countries, that dialogue begins, perhaps on less controversial issues, building up to more controversial issues.'

The Mumbai attacks inflamed tensions - with India blaming elements in the Pakistan state for the shootings. Pakistan-based gunmen killed 166 people in a 60-hour strike on hotels, a train station and a Jewish centre.
India immediately broke off peace talks and there has been little progress since.
Mr Obama said: 'India's investment in development in Afghanistan is appreciated.
'Pakistan has to be a partner in this process, in fact all countries in the region are going to need to be partners in this process.
'The United States welcomes, we don't think we can do this alone.'
India has given $1.3billion in aid to Afghanistan, a policy that unnerves neighbours Pakistan which sees the country as its own backyard of influence.
Mr Obama said Pakistan was not acting quickly enough to deal with militancy within its borders - a view shared by India which has accused Islamabad of taking aid while also backing militants in Afghanistan.
The country is keen on stability there to stop Afghanistan being used to harbour anti-Indian Islamist militants.
The president will also visit Indonesia, South Korea and Japan on the 10-day Asia tour, with Washington keen to press countries not to devalue their currencies to protect exports.

Earlier this week he announced $10billion in business deals that he claimed would support 54,000 jobs in the U.S.
His visit to Asia has sparked some criticism, after a vast entourage of security and trade brief personnel flew with him and military warships were stationed off the Mumbai coast in case of terrorist attack.
And he called on Asian countries to open their economies up to U.S. firms. India restricts foreign investment in key areas like retail and financial services.
He said: 'It's not unfair for the U.S. to say, look, if our economy is open to everybody, countries that trade with us have to change their practices to open up their markets to us.
'There has to be reciprocity in our trading relationships.
'Unemployment in the U.S. is very high now, relative to what it is typically. Although we are making progress, we are not making progress quickly enough.'.
After leaving Mumbai, the president landed in New Delhi and met with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Mr Obama broke with the usual protocol to embrace Mr Singh, before departing on a scheduled tour of a Mughal-era tomb.
source: dailymail